טיפול טבעי בדכאון – אנגלית – שיקגו הילרס

Drop the Anti-Depressants and Heal Depression Holistically with Liat Ben Yakov, MBA, CST

According to HealthDayNews.com, about 15 of every 100 adults suffer from depression, according to AARP. Also, many will suffer from exhaustion, mood swings and even depression without even noticing the symptoms. When these problems are noticed, they are often treated with unhealthy, addictive drugs. Although not all bad moods are considered clinical depression, it is becoming more and more common to treat these moods with anti-depression medications.

“People who obtain even the slightest amounts of depression are medicating themselves into a drug dependency,” says ChicagoHealers.com practitioner Liat Ben Yakov, MBA, CST. “It is important to recognize the signs of depression which usually include sadness, lack of interest and pleasure, change in appetite, sleep disorders, thoughts of death, and feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness.”

While these signs of depression exhaustion are visible, there are many hazards with using traditional anti-depressants including various side effects, addiction and rising tolerance. To avoid this, there are natural ways to help deal with depression that typically work better and have no side effects. Ben Yakov offers the following tips for dealing with depression holistically:

  • Cognitive therapy – Identify misperceptions and negative thinking because this leaves many feeling depressed. This is proven to be as effective as medications in dealing with clinical depression.
  • Dietary supplements – Use non-prescription dietary supplements to strengthen the body and mind including Omega-3, B-complex and Ginkgo Biloba.
  • Aromatherapy – In order to reduce depression symptoms, use essential oils including lavender, ylang-ylang and rose. These can be used in a diffuser, a few drops in a bath, or for massage with sesame or almond oil. Before using, make sure to not be allergic to any of the oils.
  • Physical activity – Exercising for 30 minutes, 3 times a week is proven to help deal with depression and prevent its return.
  • Meditation – It is proven that for some, practicing meditation helps heal depression better while reducing anxiety, sadness, sleep disorders and other depression related symptoms.

ChicagoHealers.com Wednesday Experts

Liat (Scheffer) Ben Yakov, MBA, CST: Body-Mind-Energy Balancing, IPEC, Healing, Bach remedies

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