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Let's Play the Game of Manifestation - Creating your Reality

Follow these 12 steps to achieve your dreams and unlock the power of conscious creation.

Enter a world of joy and wonder as you become the hero or heroine of your own story.

Discover how easy and fun it can be to bring your dreams to life with our enchanting toolkit of tips and magical words to embark on your journey of manifestation with ease and joy.

Take the first step on your journey of manifestation and sign up for the

Masters of Creation – Let’s Play Guidebook.

And learn how to consciously create your reality in a colorful and magical way.

Why Learn from me about manifesting?
Hi, Nice to meet you, I am

Liat Scheffer Ben Yakov

Founder of Masters Academy for creating your reality. 

Developed the Masters of Creation Method – 12 steps to creating your reality. 

Best-Seller Author

An International Speaker and Mentor

Led the last experiment of the 1 field movie alongside Bruce Lipton, Greg Bradden, Lee Carol and other leading teachers. 

The leading podcast in Israel in manifesting with over 120,000 listeners.  

The producer and host of “The New Consciousness” online conferences with thousands of attendees.

Leading CEOs, senior executives, entrepreneurs, opinion leaders, and people from various walks of life to achieve their dreams and create their ideal lives for over 20 years

Creating my own miraculous life and living my dream life.

Clients' Miracles

"I joined the progrem looking for a job, and this week I received two relevant job offers on the same day! Next week, I start a new job that is exactly what I wanted."

"I signed up because I was searching for a path in life, and this week it became clear to me exactly what I want!
Today, I enrolled in studies and have a clear picture of the business I want to establish."

"This month, I set a goal to earn 600,000 NIS, an ambitious target for this month and this period in general.
The month isn't over yet, and we have already reached 602,000. The achievement is amazing, and the accuracy amazes me."
And what is going to be your story?

“The Masters of Creation program transformed my life. I now wake up every day with a sense of purpose and joy. The steps helped me align with my true self and manifest my dreams.”

“This program is a game-changer. I learned to focus my energy, practice gratitude, and take inspired actions. My life has never been more fulfilling.”

I'm Ready to Play the Game of Manifesting and Create My Reality

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